I'm sure maybe is a duplicate but i have a problem with "parsing web page with PHP".
I try to extrapolate src
and title
of each element <img>
inside a web page but i have this error:
Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getElementsByTagName() on array in /web/example.php:12 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in
To do this i creates this small code:
$doc = file_get_html('https://www.example.com');
foreach($doc-> find('div.content')-> getElementsByTagName('img') as $item){
$src = $item->getAttribute('src');
$title= $item->getAttribute('title');
$alt= $item->getAttribute('alt');
echo "\n";
echo $src;
echo $title;
echo $alt;
I hope you can help me.... thanks a lot and sorry for my english
returns an array of elements, so you need to iterate over each of those as well:
foreach($doc->find('div.content') as $div) {
foreach ($div->getElementsByTagName('img') as $item){
$src = $item->getAttribute('src');
$title= $item->getAttribute('title');
$alt= $item->getAttribute('alt');
echo "\n";
echo $src;
echo $title;
echo $alt;