In a visualization I have I want to order the marks when there is occlusion (based on an attribute of the mark). I tried using opacity, but I would prefer being able to directly control which element is laid on top. I checked out the doc and saw some discussions, but cannot locate if there is a way to directly do this. Or if I can creatively use layers to achieve the same result?
Open the Chart in the Vega Editor You can see that my ticks are overlapping, and I want to make the gray one ("scroll") have a lower z-index than every other mark. Right now I am using opacity, but it's still occlusion that I like to avoid.
Thanks so much!
You can set the z-index using the order
encoding, however it only accepts sort = "ascending" or "descending", which doesn't directly help you here.
You can get around this limitation by using a calculate transform to define the particular z-order you want:
"transform": [
{"calculate": "datum.actionChart == 'scroll' ? 0 : 1", "as": "zorder"}
And then reference that new field in the order encoding:
"encoding": {
"order": {"field": "zorder", "type": "quantitative"}
The result looks like this (Open the Chart in the Vega Editor):