I need to run a perl script in a bash array that will return certain values based on the string you provide. The perl script itself takes a user and a string and it will return the value based on the string you give it. For example. This is how the perl script works
$ perlscript.pl user disabled
This will run the perl script and will return whether or not the user is disabled. There are around 5 strings that it will accept. What I'm trying to do is run that script inside a bash array like so
declare -a perlScriptArray=('disabled' 'fullName' 'email' 'sponsor' 'manager')
Obviously this is not right and will just return the string that you provided. What I want is something like this inside the bash script.
declare -a perlScriptArray=('perlScript.pl disabled' 'perlScript.pl fullName' 'perlScript.pl email' 'perlScript.pl sponsor' 'perlScript.pl manager'
This however, does not work. The bash script itself takes the user as $1
and will pass that to the perl script which will run the string that you provided against the perl script. How should I go about doing this? And is this even possible?
Loop over the array calling the script with each element
declare -a perlScriptArray=('disabled' 'fullName' 'email' 'sponsor' 'manager')
for option in "${perlScriptArray[@]}"
perlScipt.pl "$user" "$option"