When using Spring MVC and Spring Cloud Eureka, how can I get Spring MVC to resolve my redirect URLs similar to how RestTemplate is able to?
For example, if I have two services, user-service and movie-service that are both registered with Spring Cloud Eureka, how can I get a controller in user-service to redirect to a movie-service endpoint, without hard coding the url?
public class UserServiceController {
public String performSomeAction() {
// I'd like movie service to be resolved to an instance that is registered with Eureka
return "redirect:http://movie-service/some-url
Is what I'm trying to do possible? I know Spring cloud is normally used with APIs, but to me it seems like it would make sense to be able to integrate your web applications with it as well.
public class UserServiceController {
LoadBalancerClient loadBalancerClient;
public String performSomeAction() {
ServiceInstance serviceInstance = loadBalancerClient.choose("movie-service");
if (serviceInstance != null) {
return "redirect:http://"+ serviceInstance.getHost() + ":" + serviceInstance.getPort() +"/some-url
// throw an error or something else