I am trying to delete security groups that has 0 interfaces and is not being referred in the ingress rule of any other security group using boto3. But I am getting error: An error occurred (DependencyViolation) when calling the DeleteSecurityGroup operation: resource sg-XXYYZZ has a dependent object
I want a code to list down the ingress rules that is referring to security group sg-XXYYZZ
and delete those ingress rule using boto3 before I delete the security group:
response = ec2.delete_security_group( GroupId=sg, DryRun=False )
I am listing the ingress rules using:
for sg in final_del_list:
response = ec2.describe_security_groups( GroupIds=[sg] )
print( "\n\n Security Group:", sg )
for res in response['SecurityGroups']:
msg = "The Ingress rules are as follows: " if len(res['IpPermissions']) > 0 else "No ingress rules"
print( msg )
for ip in res['IpPermissions']:
print( "IP Protocol: ", ip['IpProtocol'] )
print( "PORT: ", str( ip['FromPort'] ) )
for range in ip['IpRanges']:
print( "IP Ranges: ", range['CidrIp'] )
except Exception:
print( "No value for ports and ip ranges available for this security group" )
Can someone guide me how can I list security that is referring to sg-XXYYZZ
in its ingress rule or help me solve the error
The security groups can be found listed under UserIdGroupPairs
response = ec2.describe_security_groups( GroupIds=[sg] )
for res in response['SecurityGroups']:
if len( res['IpPermissions'] ) > 0:
for item in res['IpPermissions']:
for sg in item['UserIdGroupPairs']:
sg_list.append( sg['GroupId'] )