If i do a policy change or cancellation with giving the description more than 256 chars, those policies are not getting updated in Billing center. Not sure what the reason is. The field description in PC is a medium text type. I opened the message payload and saw the following error response " com.guidewire.pl.metadata.datatype2.PLDataTypeException." Thanks in advance.
This error is thrown from BillingCenter. After binding any transaction in PolicyCenter, the webservice "BillingAPI" will be called in order to transport the BillingInstruction payload from PC to BC. In BillingCenter, the payload is then parsed and populated to respective billing entities.
So the fields (entity columns) and its datatypes (including specifications) must be in sync.
Please check the billing api code, and find database field to where the "Description" from policycenter is been populated. The datatype(including the size) should be in sync between PC ad BC. If its not in sync that make it in sync to accept the description from PC.
Hope it helps you.