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How to update Strava activities using API in python?

I'm trying to update my Strava activities using python. I'm using the requests module to send GET, POST, and PUT requests. I am trying to update my activity using put but I keep on getting this error

{'errors': [{'code': 'not found', 'field': '', 'resource': 'Activity'}],'message': 'Resource Not Found'}

I have the write access token and I created a dictionary with the things I want to update but I still keep on getting this return. This is the line of code I'm using to try and update the activity

updateActivty = requests.put(updatableActivity_url, headers=write_header, data=changeDescription, verify=False).json()

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here? (Sorry if I formatted this question bad. It's my first post on stack overflow)


  • I figured it out. It turns out I was creating separate access tokens one with scope activity:write and another with scope activity:read. I had to create an access token with both scope activity:write and activity:read. It lets me update activities now