I have the following dataset containing film titles and the corresponding genre, while another dataset contains plain text where these titles might be quoted or not:
title genre
Secret in Their Eyes Dramas
V for Vendetta Action & Adventure
Bottersnikes & Gumbles Kids' TV
... ...
id Text
1. "I really liked V for Vendetta"
2 "Bottersnikes & Gumbles was a great film .... "
3. " In any case, in my opinion bottersnikes &gumbles was a great film ..."
4 "@thewitcher was an interesting series
5 "Secret in Their Eye is a terrible film! but I Like V per Vendetta"
... etc
what I want to obtain is a function that matched those titles in dt1 and tries to find them in the text in dt2:
if it finds any match or approximate match I want to have a column in dt2 that tells with the title that was mentioned in the text. if more than one is mentioned I want a any titles separated by a comma.
id Text mentions
1. "I really liked V for Vendetta" "V for Vendetta"
2 "Bottersnikes & Gumbles was a great film .... " "Bottersnikes & Gumbles"
3. " In any case, in my opinion bottersnikes &gumbles was a great film ..." "Bottersnikes & Gumbles"
4 "@thewitcher was an interesting series NA
5 "Secret in Their Eye is a terrible film! but I Like V per Vendetta" "Secret in Their Eyes, V for Vendetta"
... etc
You can do the fuzzy matching via agrep()
, which here I've used for each title with lapply()
to generate a logical vector of matches for each Text, and then used an apply()
across a data.frame from this match to create the vector of matched titles.
You can tweak the max.distance
value but this worked just fine on your example.
dt1 <- data.frame(
title = c("Secret in Their Eyes", "V for Vendetta", "Bottersnikes & Gumbles"),
genre = c("Dramas", "Action & Adventure", "Kids' TV"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
dt2 <- data.frame(
id = 1:5,
Text = c(
"I really liked V for Vendetta",
"Bottersnikes & Gumbles was a great film .... ",
"In any case, in my opinion bottersnikes &gumbles was a great film ...",
"@thewitcher was an interesting series",
"Secret in Their Eye is a terrible film! but I Like V per Vendetta"
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
match_titles <- function(target, titles) {
matches <- lapply(titles, agrepl, target,
max.distance = 0.3,
ignore.case = TRUE, fixed = TRUE
matched_titles <- apply(
data.frame(matches), 1,
function(y) paste(titles[y], collapse = ",")
dt2$titles <- match_titles(dt2$Text, dt1$title)
## id Text
## 1 1 I really liked V for Vendetta
## 2 2 Bottersnikes & Gumbles was a great film ....
## 3 3 In any case, in my opinion bottersnikes &gumbles was a great film ...
## 4 4 @thewitcher was an interesting series
## 5 5 Secret in Their Eye is a terrible film! but I Like V per Vendetta
## titles
## 1 V for Vendetta
## 2 Bottersnikes & Gumbles
## 3 Bottersnikes & Gumbles
## 4
## 5 Secret in Their Eyes,V for Vendetta