I'm trying to create a relatively basic Ionic application but I'm getting the error:
core.js:14597 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'match-details/match-details-info'
Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'match-details/match-details-info'
at ApplyRedirects.push../node_modules/@angular/router/fesm5/router.js.ApplyRedirects.noMatchError (router.js:2469)
What I'm trying to do is on click of a button on a regular page is move to another page that has tabs on the page.
I am moving from http://localhost:8100/tabs/fixtures to what I would expect to be http://localhost:8100/match-details/match-info but instead I am getting the above error and I stay on the original page.
Here is a segment of my app-routing.module.ts file showing the match-details path (line 3):
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', loadChildren: './tabs/tabs.module#TabsPageModule' },
{ path: 'match-details', loadChildren: './pages/match-details/match-details.module#MatchDetailsPageModule' },
{ path: 'match-details-standard/:id', loadChildren: './pages/match-details-standard/match-details-standard.module#MatchDetailsStandardPageModule' },
{ path: 'player-details/:id', loadChildren: './pages/player-details/player-details.module#PlayerDetailsPageModule' },
And here is my match-details-routing.module.ts:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { MatchDetailsPage } from './match-details.page';
const routes: Routes = [
path: 'match-details',
component: MatchDetailsPage,
children: [
path: 'match-details-info',
children: [
path: '',
loadChildren: '../match-details-info/match-details-info.module#MatchDetailsInfoPageModule'
path: 'match-details-lineup',
children: [
path: '',
loadChildren: '../match-details-lineup/match-details-lineup.module#MatchDetailsLineupPageModule'
path: '',
redirectTo: '/match-details/match-details-info',
pathMatch: 'full'
path: '',
redirectTo: '/match-details/match-details-info',
pathMatch: 'full'
imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class MatchDetailsPageRoutingModule {}
Driving me crazy!!!!!!!!
From what I can see your routes are set up in such a way that the path would be match-details/match-details/match-details-info
due to both route paths including the match-details
try changing your routes in the match-details-routing.module.ts
as below
const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
component: MatchDetailsPage,
children: [
path: 'match-details-info',
children: [
path: '',
loadChildren: '../match-details-info/match-details-info.module#MatchDetailsInfoPageModule'
path: 'match-details-lineup',
children: [
path: '',
loadChildren: '../match-details-lineup/match-details-lineup.module#MatchDetailsLineupPageModule'
path: '',
redirectTo: '/match-details/match-details-info',
pathMatch: 'full'