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Powershell: break from two or more loops

I have a script which pings Systems until it is terminated. The main code block is a function that has a foreach loop nested into a do until loop.

## Start
function start-skript{
    Write-Output 'Ping läuft...'
    $Repetition_Counter = 0
    #Start loop
    do {
        #Host loop
        foreach($system in $Hosts_Array) {
            #Ping Function
            Ping-Host -HostToPing $system
            #Write-Host 'Sleep for' $Pause 'sekunde'
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $Pause
        } $Repetition_Counter ++
    } until($Repetition_Counter -eq $Repetition -or (stop-script))


It works finely. However, by invoking the stop-script function, the script can only be stopped, only after the function ping-host has been applied to all the devices in the $Hosts_Array. I wan to be able to stop the script by invoking the stop-script function, even if the funtion Ping-host hasn't applied to all the devices in the $Hosts_Array array . I thought, I could do like below

## Start
function start-skript{
    Write-Output 'Ping läuft...'
    $Repetition_Counter = 0
    #Start loop
    do {
        #Host loop
        foreach($system in $Hosts_Array) {
            #Ping Function
            Ping-Host -HostToPing $system
            #Write-Host 'Sleep for' $Pause 'sekunde'
            **stop-script**  ## I've just added the function here
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $Pause
        } $Repetition_Counter ++
    } until($Repetition_Counter -eq $Repetition -or (stop-script))


I didn't work out. It just comes out of the foreach loop but then starts again with the foreach loop, bcz the foreach loop is into the do until loop.. Any suggestions??


  • Use a statement label:

      foreach($i in 1..10){
        if($i -eq 2){
          continue inner
        if($i -gt 5){
          break outer

    Output will be:


    Since we continue'd the inner loop on $i -eq 2 and broke out of the outer loop after $i -eq 5