Here is my simplified graph schema,
- name: str (indexed)
- version: str (indexed)
I want to query the version using multiple set of property criteria within single query. I can use within
for a list of single property, but how to do it for multiple properties?
Consider I have 10 package
nodes, (p1,v1, p2,v2, p3,v3,.. p10,v10)
I want to select only nodes which has (p1 with v1, p8 with v8, p10 with v10)
Is there a way to do with single gremlin query?
Something equivalent to SELECT * from package WHERE (name, version) in ((p1,v1),(p8,v8),(p10,v10))
It's always best to provide some sample data when asking questions about Gremlin. I assume that this is an approximation of what your model is:
g.addV('package').property('name','gremlin').property('version', '1.0').
addV('package').property('name','gremlin').property('version', '2.0').
addV('package').property('name','gremlin').property('version', '3.0').
addV('package').property('name','blueprints').property('version', '1.0').
addV('package').property('name','blueprints').property('version', '2.0').
addV('package').property('name','rexster').property('version', '1.0').
addV('package').property('name','rexster').property('version', '2.0').iterate()
I don't think that there is a way that you can compare pairs of inputs and expect an index hit. You therefore have to do what you normally do in graphs and choose the index to best narrow your results before you filter in memory. I would assume that in your case this would be the "name" property, therefore grab those first then filter the pairs:
gremlin> g.V().has('package','name', within('gremlin','blueprints')).
......1> elementMap().
......2> where(select('name','version').is(within([name:'gremlin',version:'2.0'], [name:'blueprints',version:'2.0'])))