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How to select annotations of specific class in visible map rect

I am trying to implement the method below which basically populates my array with the annotations visible in the current map rect.

- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated:(BOOL)animated
    self.LocationSet = [self.mapView annotationsInMapRect:self.mapView.visibleMapRect];

    self.LocationArray = [self.nearbyCarParksSet allObjects];


What is the right way to select only a certain class of annotations which I want to include in the set/array? For example, in the current map view I might have annotations belonging to a "Restaurant" class, a "carpark" class, a "petrol station" class, etc., and I only want to store annotations belonging to the "Restaurant" class. What is the best approach?


  • Assuming that locationSet has all the annotation derived from the first call in the method above. You can get all annotations of type using,

    restaurantSet = [locationSet objectsPassingTest:^(id obj, BOOL *stop){
        return [obj isMemberOfClass:[YourAnnotationSubclass class]];