I would like to connect to Azure SQL server from a Window server via SSMS. In the “set server firewall” from Azure, I have given my server IP (from the system I would like to connect). I need to know the destination IP adders of the Azure DB Server. From Azure portal the location is showing central US. To allow firewall I need to know the destination IP address.
My questions are:
As Central US could have multiple IP addresses, do I need to provide all IPs to my Firewall team?
How can I know the destination IP address ( i.e. Azure) so that I can provide that to my firewall team?
Note: From SQL Server Management Studio, the TCP default port for SQL is enabled and services are running fine.
No. You cannot get a static IP address assignment for your Azure SQL Database. Moreover, what you refer (mysqlserverdatabase.mysql.database.azure.com
designates your Azure SQL Database Server, not a single Database. This is a logical server, in which you can put up to 149 Databases (150 with the Master DB).
You have to workaround your requirement for static IP address assingment to work with the DNS Name (mysqlserverdatabase.mysql.database.azure.com
Otherwise if your company firewall can't work with the DNS Name ,you need to set the server connection policy to Proxy as documented in Azure SQL Connectivity Architecture. This allows the database gateway to proxy all traffic between the client and the DB server. The gateways all have static IP addresses, which are listed in the above document.