I want to create an update page that the user can update Recipe
values for. I know how to use two way data binding for creating new Recipe
, but how do I load a page that has the values taken from the database loaded into the input fields initially?
So i have a model Recipe
export class Recipe {
public name: String
) {}
in a RecipeComponent
import { Recipe } from './Recipe';
export class RecipeComponent {
data = new Recipe('');
shown in an html form
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="name"
[(ngModel)]="data.name" />
<p>Hello {{ data.name }}!</p>
This works great if I want to create a new model from scratch. But I want the user to be able to see what the exiting values are, so somehow in the data = new Recipe('')
line i want that to use my RecipeService
to populate the inputs.
You need one service, and get data from service to component. and then bind it to [()] ng model.
export class DataService {
data = {
name: 'wesbos'
constructor() { }
return of(this.data);
export class AppComponent {
name = this.dataService.getData();
constructor(private dataService: DataService){}
<div *ngIf="name | async as dataName">
default Name : <input [(ngModel)]="dataName.name">