I have hooked to Selection changed event of NSTableView.I need to display the selected image in the imageview
func tableViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: Notification)
let table = notification.object as! NSTableView
img_view.image=NSImage(named: NSImage.Name(rawValue: fileArray[table.selectedRow].path))
The console prints
But the imageview does not display the image.
Update 1:
img_view.image=NSImage(byReferencing: URL(string: fileArray[table.selectedRow].path)!)
Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
Console still prints
/Users/myname/Downloads/123_1 (1).jpeg
is the wrong API, for file system paths you have to use URL(fileURLWithPath
img_view.image = NSImage(byReferencing: URL(fileURLWithPath: fileArray[table.selectedRow].path))
However fileArray[table.selectedRow]
seems to be already an URL so there is a still easier way
img_view.image = NSImage(contentsOf: fileArray[table.selectedRow])