I have set a React Context like so:
export const TokenContext = createContext({token: ''});
and I am using it to create a Provider in my App.js, where I'm trying to first retrieve the token from AsyncStorage:
const App = () => {
const [token, setToken] = React.useState('');
const retrieveData = async () => {
const storedToken = await AsyncStorage.getItem('token');
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<TokenContext.Provider token={token}>
<RootNav />
I want to consume that Context in the RootNav
component being used above:
const RootNav = () => {
const token = React.useContext(TokenContext);
const isSignedIn = !!token;
return (
{isSignedIn ? (
<Root.Screen name={RouteNames.TAB_NAV} component={TabNav} />
) : (
However, the token value in the context is undefined even though there is a value in the storage. If I manually pass the prop down to RootNav (without context), I can use it just fine, like so:
return (
<RootNav token={token} />
const RootNav = ({token}) => {
const isSignedIn = !!token;
return (
However, I want to use this token in places that are more nested down so I'd rather just use context if I can get it to work. Any ideas?
Pass token with value
<TokenContext.Provider value={{token}}>
<RootNav />
in consumer
const {token} = React.useContext(TokenContext);