I tried to configure social authentication via Facebook in my Django project.
As I am testing at localhost (already included the http-based site in ALLOWED_HOSTS
) , I need to disable Enforce HTTPS.
My fb app is now in development mode, but by default Enforce HTTPS is enabled and couldn't be changed apparently. How can I fix it?
You cannot disable it anymore, it is required for security reasons
Enforce HTTPS. This setting requires HTTPS for OAuth Redirects, and it requires and Facebook JavaScript SDK calls that return or require an access token are only from HTTPS pages. All new apps created as of March 2018 have this setting on by default, and you should plan to migrate any existing apps to use only HTTPS URLs by October 6, 2018. Most major cloud application hosts provide free and automatic configuration of TLS certificates for your applications. If you self-host your app or your hosting service doesn't offer HTTPS by default, you can obtain a free certificate for your domain(s) from Let's Encrypt.