I have a tabBarController with below hierarchy
Variable dataForVC1 is in DisplayedViewControllerTab1
So far I've tried this
In in TabBarController - didSelect method
var data: ModelData?
if let navController = tabBarController.viewControllers?[0] as? NavController1,
let childNavVC = navController.children.first as? ViewController1 {
//Get container view
let conView = childNavVC.containerView. //This is outlet
//Looking for something like this - struck here
if let displayedVC1 = "Container view's VC as? DisplayedViewControllerTab1 {
data = displayedVC1.dataForVC1
Kindly advice how to achieve this
You don't need to hustle around with container views. In your ViewController1
simply add references to the DisplayedViewControllerTab1 or other vc's you need and then access them directly.
Your VC code would look something like this.
class ViewController1: UIViewController {
var displayedVC1: DisplayedViewControllerTab1?
And then your code now:
var data: ModelData?
if let navController = tabBarController.viewControllers?[0] as? NavController1,
let childNavVC = navController.children.first as? ViewController1 {
data = childNavVC.displayedVc1
P.S. For convenience, if you have your own TabBarController class you can add all the references you need when the controller is created or simply have computed properties, so you don't need to go deep in the hierarchy all the time.
In your TabbarViewController
var myViewController1: MyViewControllerOne? {
return (viewControllers[0] as? NavController)?.children.first as? MyViewControllerOne
var myViewController2: MyViewControllerTwo? {
return (viewControllers[1] as? NavController)?.children.first as? MyViewControllerTwo