because I don't want use cascade to update the join table and I want custom columns, I've created a custom many to many relationship. However when I query the relation it only provides the values in the join table and doesn't pull the relation data.
export class User {
id: string;
() => UserArtistFollowing,
(userArtistFollowing) => userArtistFollowing.user
following: UserArtistFollowing[];
export class Artist {
id: string;
() => UserArtistFollowing,
(userArtistFollowing) => userArtistFollowing.artist
usersFollowing: UserArtistFollowing[];
export class UserArtistFollowing {
id: string;
userId!: string;
artistId!: string;
() => User,
(user) => user.following
user!: User;
() => Artist,
(artist) => artist.usersFollowing
artist!: Artist;
createdAt!: Date;
updatedAt!: Date;
const user = await getManager()
where: { id: id },
relations: ['following'],
So that query only provides the id, userId, artistId, but not the Artist array of objects (which is the data I need).
After further testing, turns out you can use find -> relations with these kinds of custom many to many relationships. You just have to specify the relation in dotted notation for nested relations.
const user = await getManager()
where: { id },
relations: [
// you have to specify the join table first (following) to retrieve the columns in the join table
// then you use dotted notation to get the relation from the join table
// another example of a deeply nested relation
You can also use join with a nested leftJoinAndSelect, but its more tedious.
const user = await getManager()
where: { id },
join: {
alias: 'user',
leftJoinAndSelect: {
following: 'user.following',
artists: 'following.artist',
Here is the updated entities
export class UserArtistFollowing {
userId: string;
artistId: string;
() => User,
(user) => user.following
user!: User;
() => Artist,
(artist) => artist.usersFollowing
artist!: Artist;
createdAt!: Date;
updatedAt!: Date;
export class Artist {
id: string;
() => UserArtistFollowing,
(userArtistFollowing) => userArtistFollowing.artist
usersFollowing: UserArtistFollowing[];
export class User {
id: string;
() => UserArtistFollowing,
(userArtistFollowing) => userArtistFollowing.user
following: UserArtistFollowing[];