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Share enum in Graphql

Just started learning GraphQL and I would like to share an enum that I exported in a express apollo server.


export enum fruitsEnum{

Import the enum


import { fruitsEnum } from "./src/shared/fruitsEnum.ts"

export const typeDef = `
    type Fruit{
        id: ID
        fruitName: fruitsEnum

    type Query{

I tried doing this but I am getting Error: Unknown type fruitsEnum. The reason that I put the enum in a separate location is because the same enum might be used at other schema. My goal is to have a shareable enum type.


  • Typescript enum != graphQL enum

    Enum needs to be defined in graphQL 'context' as in docs, so it will work this way:

    export const typeDef = `
      enum fruitsEnum{
      type Fruit{
        id: ID
        fruitName: fruitsEnum
      type Query{

    You can use type-graphql to 'connect' them (typescript and graphql contexts) and (share between client and server) without explicit [typescript defined] enum definition inside typDef.

    More info here