I'm trying to implement Koin in my project. So far, I did this:
My shared preferences class:
class MPCUtilSharedPreference(private val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences{}
I want to inject that class in other classes. So, I create my MainApplication class:
class MPCMainApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
startKoin {
This is my module class:
private val appModule = module {
single {
val modules = listOf(appModule)
And the I'm trying to inject it:
class MPCNetworkInterceptor : Interceptor {
private val utilSharedPreferences: MPCUtilSharedPreference by inject() }
The error says:
No value passed for parameter 'clazz'
I'm trying to use
import org.koin.android.ext.koin.androidContext
But the AS uses
import org.koin.java.KoinJavaComponent.inject
This is my gradle:
implementation 'org.koin:koin-android:2.1.5'
implementation 'org.koin:koin-androidx-scope:2.1.5'
implementation 'org.koin:koin-androidx-viewmodel:2.1.5'
implementation 'org.koin:koin-androidx-fragment:2.1.5'
Any idea about what's the problem here?
You're trying to use by inject()
delegate from an place that is neither an Activity nor Fragment, that's why the IDE is importing :
import org.koin.java.KoinJavaComponent.inject
If you want to use MPCUtilSharedPreference
from MPCNetworkInterceptor
, you can pass it as parameter in MPCNetworkInterceptor
constructor. And obviously, add this in your module.
Otherwise, you could implement KoinComponent