Search code examples

Result window is too large

My friend stored 65000 documents on the Elastic Search cloud and I would like to retrieve all of them (using python). However, when I am running my current script, there is an error noticing that :

RequestError(400, 'search_phase_execution_exception', 'Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [10000] but was [30000]. See the scroll api for a more efficient way to request large data sets. This limit can be set by changing the [index.max_result_window] index level setting.') 

My script

 es = Elasticsearch(cloud_id=cloud_id, http_auth=(username, password))
 docs ={"query": {"match_all": {}}, '_source': ["_id"], 'size': 65000})

What would be the easiest way to retrieve all those document and not limit it to 10000 docs? thanks


  • The limit has been set so that the result set does not overwhelm your nodes. Results will occupy memory in the elastic node. So bigger the result set, bigger the memory footprint and impact on the nodes.

    Depending on what you want to do with the retrieved documents,