We are migrating from ORO 3.1.19 to 4.1.2 and we are having issues with the migrations.
$ php bin/console --env=prod oro:migration:load --force --show-queries
Process migrations...
> Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendBundle\Migration\LoadEntityConfigStateMigration
> Oro\Bundle\MigrationBundle\Migration\UpdateBundleVersionMigration
> Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendBundle\Migration\RefreshExtendCacheMigration
Prepare entity config
Clear extended entity cache
Dump the configuration of extended entities to the cache
Clear entity metadata cache
Warm up entity metadata cache
In RuntimeReflectionService.php line 63:
Property Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Entity\Attachment::$account_8d93c122 does not exist
We tried to clear the cache, entity-config cache and no success
php bin/console --env=prod oro:entity-config:cache:clear
php bin/console --env=prod oro:entity-config:cache:warmup
Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
We can see that the Attachment::$account_8d93c122
is found by the Reflection during the initial container creation, but not during the entity-cache warmup
The solution/workaround was to run oro:entity-extend:cache:check
before the cache clear
class RefreshExtendCacheMigrationQuery {
// ....
public function execute(LoggerInterface $logger)