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How to execute postman collection using newman.js for entire data?

i am trying to execute postman collection using newman.js because i need to extract the response and save to a file, below is the script i am using for that

var fs = require('fs'),
    newman = require('newman'),
    results = [];{
        reporters: 'cli',
        collection: '/Users/prasad/Documents/migration/export_uuid_emails.postman_collection.json',
        iterationData: '/Users/prasad/Documents/migration/test.csv',
        //data: '/Users/prasad/Documents/migration/test.csv', // this also doesn't work
        iterationCount: 1,
        //iterationCount: 2, // this is iterting the same data two times
        environment: '/Users/prasad/Documents/migration/stage.postman_environment.json'
}).on('request', function(err, args) {
        if(!err) {
                var rawBody =,
                 body = rawBody.toString();

}).on('done', function(err, summary) {
        fs.writeFileSync('migration-report.json', JSON.stringify(results, null, 4));

below is the contents of test.csv


below is the environment file

    "id": "8e50b25f-df1a-4c15-abe9-1f8e4728da13",
    "name": "stage",
    "values": [
            "key": "baseUrl",
            "value": "",
            "enabled": true
            "key": "accountStatus",
            "value": "active",
            "enabled": true
    "_postman_variable_scope": "environment",
    "_postman_exported_at": "2020-03-16T10:51:49.468Z",
    "_postman_exported_using": "Postman/7.20.0"

According to the script it should execute for two userId's but it is always executing for only first userId, i tried with iterationCount with 2 but it's executing same id two times.
i followed newman documentation and a this reference
Can any one please help me on this ?


  • After trying in different ways then i figured that it's because of iterationCount: 1 when i changed that to iterationCount: 0 it started working.
    Even if you don't provide iterationCount whenever you are providing iterationData then it is working.
    Below is my understanding
    No.of entries in test.csv file are 3 So it's choosing those many no.of entries which is equal to iterationCount if you don't specify any value then it's looping all entries which is 3 in this case.

    i hope it will helpful for some other people