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vba inputbox maintenance on cancel

Im looking for a way to have inputbox pass only when I enter integer 1-12. Any string in it, double value, empty or ESCAPE (cancel) button will throw Exit Sub

I know there is a lot of exmaples online, I tried them all! but always on ESCAPE or other occasion it get error.

so far I have this, but it gets error on CANCEL:

dMonth = InputBox("Which month to count?", "Choose month", Format(Date, "m") - 1)
If (Not (Int(dMonth) >= 0 And Int(dMonth) <= 12)) Or StrPtr(dMonth) = 0 Or StrPtr(dMonth) = 698279968 Or dMonth = "" Then Exit Sub

Any advice or ideas?

Thank you


  • Try this:

    Private Sub Command1_Click()
       Dim sMonth As String
       Dim dMonth As Double
       sMonth = InputBox("Which month to count?", "Choose month", Format(Date, "m") - 1)
       dMonth = Val(sMonth)                         'convert user input to numeric
       If dMonth <> Fix(dMonth) Then Exit Sub       'check for an integer
       If dMonth < 1 Or dMonth > 12 Then Exit Sub   'check for required range
       MsgBox dMonth
    End Sub