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Every time Apple release a new XCode version my UI tests fail

Every time Apple release a new XCode version, my UI tests fail. And I need to spend days figuring out what needs to be changed in the tests.

Is there something I am missing?


       let tablesQuery = app.tables
    let passwordCellsQuery = tablesQuery.cells.containing(.staticText, identifier:"Password")
    passwordCellsQuery.children(matching: .secureTextField).element.tap()
    passwordCellsQuery.children(matching: .secureTextField).element.typeText("12345678")

    let memorableDateDdMmYyyyCellsQuery = tablesQuery.cells.containing(.staticText, identifier:"Memorable Date (dd/mm/yyyy)")
    memorableDateDdMmYyyyCellsQuery.children(matching: .secureTextField).element(boundBy: 2).tap()
    memorableDateDdMmYyyyCellsQuery.children(matching: .secureTextField).element(boundBy: 2).typeText("1")
    memorableDateDdMmYyyyCellsQuery.children(matching: .secureTextField).element(boundBy: 0).tap()
    memorableDateDdMmYyyyCellsQuery.children(matching: .secureTextField).element(boundBy: 0).typeText("2")
    memorableDateDdMmYyyyCellsQuery.children(matching: .secureTextField).element(boundBy: 1).tap()
    memorableDateDdMmYyyyCellsQuery.children(matching: .secureTextField).element(boundBy: 1).typeText("3")

This time around I get "Failed to synthesize event: Neither element nor any descendant has keyboard focus. Event dispatch snapshot: SecureTextField"

It's got to the point that I dread any new XCode release as it ALWAYS breaks all my UI tests, this time it's Version 11.4.1 (11E503a).

Unit tests behave (thankfully).


  • You should not stick to the autogenerated code.

    Write the test code and elements' description by yourself – this way you test will be more stable.

    Try to make your code simpler – it will be easier to maintain.

        let table = app.tables.element
        let passwordCell = table.cells["Password"]
        let dateCell = table.cells["Memorable Date (dd/mm/yyyy)"]
        dateCell.secureTextFields.element(boundBy: 2).tapAndType("1")
        dateCell.secureTextFields.element(boundBy: 0).tapAndType("2")
        dateCell.secureTextFields.element(boundBy: 1).tapAndType("3")
    extension XCUIElement {
        func tapAndType(_ text: String) {