I have a large file with wind speed and direction every second. I have stored each element into a numpy array. The wind speeds for example are ws=(7, 8, 8.5, 8, 9.5). I would like to fill another array with the maximum 1 minute wind speed, so every 60 instances, I need to pull the max. I have tried this:
gust = np.full(len(ws), 0)
indices = sig.argrelmax(ws)
gust[indices] = ws[indices]
his arbitrarily pulls out maximums and enters them successfully into an array while maintaining the same index they had in the ws array, but 1) I need it to check for maximum in batches of 60 (1-60, 61-120,...etc). 2) It turns the number in an integer and I need floats to remain as floats.
If you want to handle non multiples of 60 in a more direct way you can use reduceat:
res=np.maximum.reduceat(wind, np.r_[:wind.size:60])
creates an array of indices 0,60,120...
performs the ufunc maximum
at the slices between consecutive indices
And so the last element of res
is the max of the last 1000%60 elements of wind