I had been successfully install MOSQUITTO Broker on my Raspberry Pi 2 and I send messages between nord red and mosquitto what I want is to change the client id generated by the broker after a client connect here is my conf file:
pid_file /var/run/mosquitto.pid
persistence true
persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/
log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log
password_file /etc/mosquitto/pwfile
allow_anonymous false
#clientid_prefixes target-
max_keepalive 60
allow_zero_length_clientid true
auto_id_prefix auto- target-
After Reading the Documentation They Said that you only need to just add to conf file clientid_prefixes prefix but that did not work any help?
here is the logs of broker:
Sending CONNACK to mqtt_f58c6e8c.3778b (0, 0)
1587044259: Received SUBSCRIBE from mqtt_f58c6e8c.3778b
1587044259: xxxxx/# (QoS 2)
1587044259:mqtt_f58c6e8c.3778b // this need to be changed //
1587044259: Sending SUBACK to mqtt_f58c6e8c.3778b
That clientID is not being generated by the broker, it is being generated by the MQTTjs library used by Node-RED for it's MQTT nodes.
The part after the _
is going to be the Node-RED internal node id for the broker config node.
You can set the clientID under the broker config where you set the broker's IP address.
is only used when the broker is generating a clientID for clients that have not sent one with the connect packet (this is when allow_zero_length_clientid
is also true). In this case it is not happening because Node-RED is always going to sent a clientID.
The clientid_prefixes
setting will restrict access to only clients that have the matching prefix. So if you set this to clientid_prefixes target-
you will have to manually set a clientID in Node-RED that has the target-
prefix for it to be able to connect.