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How to make age validation in flutter

My goal is to check users age by entered birthday and return error if user is not 18 years old or older. But i have no idea how to do that. Date format is "dd-MM-yyyy". Any ideas how to do that?


  • Package

    To easily parse date we need package intl:

    So add this dependency to youd pubspec.yaml file (and get new dependencies)

    Solution #1

    You can just simple compare years:

    bool isAdult(String birthDateString) {
      String datePattern = "dd-MM-yyyy";
      DateTime birthDate = DateFormat(datePattern).parse(birthDateString);
      DateTime today =;
      int yearDiff = today.year - birthDate.year;
      int monthDiff = today.month - birthDate.month;
      int dayDiff = -;
      return yearDiff > 18 || yearDiff == 18 && monthDiff > 0 || yearDiff == 18 && monthDiff == 0 && dayDiff >= 0; 

    But it's not always true, because to the end of current year you are "not adult".

    Solution #2

    So better solution is move birth day 18 ahead and compare with current date.

    bool isAdult2(String birthDateString) {
      String datePattern = "dd-MM-yyyy";
      // Current time - at this moment
      DateTime today =;
      // Parsed date to check
      DateTime birthDate = DateFormat(datePattern).parse(birthDateString);
      // Date to check but moved 18 years ahead
      DateTime adultDate = DateTime(
        birthDate.year + 18,
      return adultDate.isBefore(today);