Building a text classification model using pytorch's torchtext . The vocabulary object is in the data.field :
def create_tabularDataset_object(self,csv_path):
self.TEXT = data.Field(tokenize=self.tokenizer,batch_first=True,include_lengths=True)
self.LABEL = data.LabelField(dtype = torch.float,batch_first=True)
def get_vocab_with_glov(self,data):
# initialize glove embeddings
self.TEXT.build_vocab(data,min_freq=100,vectors = "glove.6B.100d")
After training , when serving the model in production how do i hold the TEXT object ? at prediction time i need it for indexing the words tokens
[TEXT.vocab.stoi[t] for t in tokenizedׁ_sentence]
am i missing something and it is not necessary to hold that object ? Do i need any other file other then the model weights ?
I've found that i can save it as a pkl: Saving the TEXT.vocab as a pkl worked :
def save_vocab(vocab, path):
import pickle
output = open(path, 'wb')
pickle.dump(vocab, output)
vocab = TEXT.vocab
and reading it as usual.