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Issues with adding a CComboBox to a CMFCStatusBar pane

I have this simple code to create a CComboBox and display it on a pane in a CMFCStatusBar:

CRect rcPane;
m_StatusBar.GetItemRect(panePageBreaks, &rcPane);
CFont *pFont = m_StatusBar.GetFont();

m_myCombo.Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, rcPane, &m_StatusBar, 2500);
m_myCombo.AddString(_T("Page Breaks: None"));
m_myCombo.AddString(_T("Page Breaks: 1 Week"));
m_myCombo.AddString(_T("Page Breaks: 2 Weeks"));
m_myCombo.AddString(_T("Page Breaks: 3 Weeks"));
m_myCombo.AddString(_T("Page Breaks: 4 Weeks"));

Can I make the status bar big enough to encompass this combo? At the moment it is a pixel or two too short in height:



If I use:

rcPane.InflateRect(1, 2, 0, 2);

It seems to be better. But i don't want to fudge it. Another users PC might be different. I want this combo to be exact over the specific pane.


I am kind of annoyed now. I found a similar question here which implies doing two things:

  1. Changing the font height.
  2. Using SetItemHeight.

So I employed both of these and I found that I would need a font height of -6 for the control to have the right height:

CRect rcPane;
m_StatusBar.GetItemRect(panePageBreaks, &rcPane);
CFont *pFont = m_StatusBar.GetFont();
sLF.lfHeight = -6;

m_myCombo.Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, rcPane, &m_StatusBar, 2500);
m_myCombo.SetItemHeight(-1, rcPane.Height());
m_myCombo.AddString(_T("Page Breaks: None"));
m_myCombo.AddString(_T("Page Breaks: 1 Week"));
m_myCombo.AddString(_T("Page Breaks: 2 Weeks"));
m_myCombo.AddString(_T("Page Breaks: 3 Weeks"));
m_myCombo.AddString(_T("Page Breaks: 4 Weeks"));

Status Bar with Combo

You see, you can set the height of the edit control, but if your font height is larger it will make the edit control larger. So I can't go over -6. And the status bar text is -12. So this is not an option.

All I was trying to do was provide an easy way for the user to change this setting via the status bar as well as via menu navigation. But it looks like I can't do it.

If anything the CMFCStatusBar height needs to be a tad taller than the default CComboBox edit control height.


  • This code show how to increase the height of the statusbar. In this way you can use the stardard controls in your statubar without any modification.

    int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
        if (CMDIFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
            return -1;
        if (!m_wndStatusBar.Create(this))
            TRACE0("Failed to create status bar\n");
            return -1;      // fail to create
        m_wndStatusBar.SetIndicators(indicators, sizeof(indicators)/sizeof(UINT));
        m_wndStatusBar.GetStatusBarCtrl().SetMinHeight(70); // or, whatever you need
        return 0;