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Gigya Swift SDK: "Invalid request signature"

Using the SDK version 1.0.11 I get this error

LoginSocialInteractor.loginWithSocial error: LoginApiError<GigyaAccountResponse>(error: Gigya.NetworkError.gigyaError(data: Gigya.GigyaResponseModel(statusCode: Gigya.ApiStatusCode.unknown, errorCode: 403003, callId: “32cbfb666d654cf8b8434f852908d1d1”, errorMessage: Optional(“Invalid request signature”), sessionInfo: nil, requestData: Optional(2027 bytes))), interruption: nil), socialProvider: google

This happens after installing a new ipa when the privacy consents where invalidated but not accepted.

We don't understand why this is happening, but I guess that has something to do with some data saved on the UserDefaults or Keychain. It is happenig only for a social login for now with users already registered.

Someone has the same problem?


  • That's happened because you try to login when the session exists. Make sure you make a logout before you trying to login again.

    You can check if session exists by isLoggedIn method, Example:

    if(Gigya.sharedInstance().isLoggedIn()) {
       // session is exists.