I am using sessions in gatling to store values, as shown below
exec(session => {
val id = Instant.now.toEpochMilli.toString + scala.util.Random.nextInt(1000).toString
//Store the id somewhere for processing later
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.header("id", session => session("STARTED_PROCESS_ID").as[String])
According to the documentation, the value should be stored in session & the header "id" should be populated as expected. But when running the simuation I get the following error
java.util.NoSuchElementException: No attribute named 'STARTED_PROCESS_ID' is defined
at io.gatling.core.session.SessionAttribute.as(Session.scala:46)
at common.HttpUtil$.$anonfun$sendPostRequestForWasStartDefLoad$1(HttpUtil.scala:557)
at io.gatling.core.action.SessionHook.execute(SessionHook.scala:32)
at io.gatling.core.action.Action.$bang(Action.scala:38)
at io.gatling.core.action.Action.$bang$(Action.scala:38)
Can someone please help explain why is this happening ?
You're not using the Session API correctly. Please properly read the documentation.
is immutable and set
returns a new instance.
exec { session =>
val id = Instant.now.toEpochMilli.toString + scala.util.Random.nextInt(1000).toString