DVC uses git commits to save the experiments and navigate between experiments.
Is it possible to avoid making auto-commits in CI/CD (to save data artifacts after dvc repro
in CI/CD side).
will you make it part of CI pipeline
DVC often serves as a part of MLOps infrastructure. There is a popular blog post about CI/CD for ML where DVC is used under the hood. Another example but with GitLab CI/CD.
scenario where you will integrate dvc commit command with CI pipelines?
If you mean git commit
of DVC files (not dvc commit
) then yes, you need to commit dvc-files into Git during CI/CD process. Auto-commit is not the best practice.
How to avoid Git commit in CI/CD:
repo state --> run results
outside of Git repo (in data remote).Disclaimer: I'm one of the creators of DVC.