I have a GUI for the purpose of recording audio. There are two buttons, start and stop recording. There is a loop inside the function for start recording which i cannot remove. When the start recording button is pressed, the stop button doesn't respond (because of the loop in start which I cannot remove for a few reasons). I would like to know if there is a way to solve this issue and get both buttons to respond even when the program is in the loop of start recording which is an infinite loop.I'm using python2. The code looks something like the following,
class RecAUD:
def __init__(self, chunk=4000, frmat=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=1, rate=44100, py=pyaudio.PyAudio()):
# Start Tkinter and set Title
self.main = tk.Tk()
self.collections = []
self.var = StringVar()
self.CHUNK = chunk
self.FORMAT = frmat
self.CHANNELS = channels
self.RATE = rate
self.p = py
self.st = 1
print("----------------------record device list---------------------")
info = self.p.get_host_api_info_by_index(0)
numdevices = info.get('deviceCount')
for i in range(0, numdevices):
if (self.p.get_device_info_by_host_api_device_index(0, i).get('maxInputChannels')) > 0:
print("Input Device id ", i, " - ", self.p.get_device_info_by_host_api_device_index(0, i).get('name'))
self.index = int(input())
print("recording via index "+str(self.index))
self.stream = self.p.open(format=self.FORMAT, channels=self.CHANNELS, rate=self.RATE, input=True,input_device_index = self.index, frames_per_buffer=self.CHUNK)
self.buttons = tkinter.Frame(self.main, padx=1, pady=50)
photo = PhotoImage(file = r"stt.png")
photoimage = photo.subsample(5, 5)
self.strt_rec = tkinter.Button(self.buttons, width=100, padx=8, pady=25, text='\n\n\n\nStart Recording', command=lambda: self.start_record(), bg='white', image = photoimage, compound = CENTER)
self.strt_rec.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=50, pady=5)
self.stop_rec = tkinter.Button(self.buttons, width=100, padx=8, pady=25, text='\n\n\n\nStop Recording', command=lambda: self.stop_record(), bg='white', image = photoimage, compound = CENTER)
self.stop_rec.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2, padx=450, pady=5)
self.op_text = Label(self.main,textvariable = self.var,foreground="green",font = "Times 30 bold italic")
def start_record(self):
WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "recordedFile.wav"
while True:
data_frame = self.stream.read(self.CHUNK)
data_int16_frame = list(struct.unpack(str(self.CHUNK) + 'h', data_frame))
def stop_record(self):
guiAUD = RecAUD()
How do I go about solving this issue, what should I add to the above code to make the buttons responsive at anytime? Is multithreading required? If yes, how can I introduce it for the buttons in the above code? Any suggestions are much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
For example, you can add a update
in a while True
to kke the GUI "alive".
In the code below, press first OK, it enters in a while True
loop but with update
, GUI reacts when you press KO
import tkinter as tk
a = 0
def action():
global a
while True:
if a == 0:
def reaction():
global a
a = 1
w = tk.Tk()
b = tk.Button(w, text="OK", command=action)
c = tk.Button(w, text="K0", command=reaction)
The danger is to enter in multiple calls to action
and worse in recursive calls... you, in these cases, should manage this in your start callback.