My organization, just upgraded to Version 81.0.416.53 (Official build) (64-bit) of the edge chromium browser and I am the automation engineer for it. I am having issues getting my version of Watir/Ruby to work with it I have updated the Edge Webdriver to match the version number of the browser. I was originally using the Chrome class to interact with chromium, now that no longer works, but when I switch to Edge I keep getting a w3c error when I attempt to run my ui automation scripts. There doesn't appear to be a way for me to programatically turn off the Hardware acceleration for the webdriver through the Edge class in Watir/Selenium. I have turned it off for my browser, but when I run the webdriver, it is still turned on. Is there any way for me to make this change directly in the webdriver instead of trying to change an option that doesn't exist in Watir?
I am open to other suggestions if you have them. Thank You for your time.
require 'watir'
Selenium::WebDriver::Edge::Service.driver_path = "c:/webdriver_location/msedgedriver.exe"
client = :edge
browser =
I ran into a similar issue before. You could use the options like Chrome's in Edge Chromium. The code in ruby is like the following:
capabilities = { "edgeOptions" => {'w3c' => false} }
I'm not familiar with Watir, don't know if this syntax can be used in Watir. You could change it into the usable one in Watir.
For more detailed information, you could also refer to this thread.