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Selecting with subqueries in MySQL (Subqueries with ANY, and IN)

Thanks for the great answers!

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This is hard to explain, so lets set the stage...

userActions         userGroupMap
+------+--------+   +------+-------+
| user | action |   | user | group |
+------+--------+   +------+-------+
| x    | acted! |   | x    | a     |
| y    | acted! |   | y    | a     |
| y    | acted! |   | z    | b     |
| z    | acted! |   +------+-------+
| y    | acted! |
| z    | acted! |
| x    | acted! |
| z    | acted! |

I want to select group a's actions. My idea was to

SELECT actions, user FROM userActions
    WHERE user = (SELECT user, group FROM userGroupMap WHERE group = a)

But obviously this subquery returns more than one row. Should I use a JOIN?

Subquery returns more than 1 row


  • One approach is this:

    SELECT actions,
    FROM   userActions
    WHERE  user IN
                   (SELECT user
                   FROM    userGroupMap
                   WHERE   [group] = 'a'

    However, with large tables, this query tends to be inefficient and doing a join is better:

    SELECT actions,
    FROM   userActions
           INNER JOIN
                  (SELECT user
                  FROM    userGroupMap
                  WHERE   [group] = 'a'
                  ) AS tmp
           ON     userActions.user = tmp.user;

    Alternatively, as Jonathon mentioned, you could have done this and its pretty much as efficient, if not more:

    SELECT actions,
    FROM   userActions
           INNER JOIN userGroupMap
           ON     userActions.user = userGroupMap.user
    WHERE  [group] = 'a';