I have following table in postgres (only 2 rows are shown below).
trial_id lead_sponsor lead_sponsor_class collaborators collaborators_class
NCT00004336 NCRR NIH University of Michigan Other
NCT00004337 NCRR NIH null null
I would like to split each row based on columns lead_sponsor and collaborators and create new column based on them
Expected output is:
trial_id sponsor_company sponsor_role agency
NCT00004336 NCRR lead_sponsor NCRR
NCT00004336 University of Michigan collaborators University of Michigan
NCT00004337 NCRR lead_sponsor NCRR
I tried couple of things but I am unable to figure out the solution (I am a newbie in postgres)
CASE WHEN lead_sponsor is not null THEN lead_sponsor
WHEN collaborators is not null THEN collaborators
END AS sponsor_company
tb ;
Any suggestions here will be really helpful.
You can unpivot with a lateral join:
select x.*
from mytable t
cross join lateral (values
(trial_id, lead_sponsor, 'lead_sponsor', lead_sponsor),
(trial_id, collaborators, 'collaborators', collaborators)
) x(trial_id, sponsor_company, sponsor_role, agency)
where x.sponsor_company is not null
trial_id | sponsor_company | sponsor_role | agency :---------- | :-------------- | :------------ | :--------- NCT00004336 | NCRR | lead_sponsor | NCRR NCT00004336 | University | collaborators | University NCT00004337 | NCRR | lead_sponsor | NCRR