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completeMethod event not triggering in primeNG Autocomplete on focus

I am trying to use the autocomplete component in my application. The autocomplete in the HTML looks something like this:

<p-autoComplete [(ngModel)]="student" name="basic"
  field="name" [size]="30"
  placeholder="Select student" [minLength]="0">

If you notice I have specified the "minLength" as 0. The need for this was to try load the suggestions as soon as I focus on the autocomplete input field (non-filtered of course). But unfortunately this does not happen. Interestingly though when I enter some characters and clear them off the suggestions appear as expected. Anything which I might be doing wrong here?

Just a note that I also tried to make use of the "onFocus" event which too did not work.



  • Using handleDropdownClick() can be used as workaround.

    <p-autoComplete #ac [(ngModel)]="student" name="basic"
     field="name" [size]="30"
     placeholder="Select student" [minLength]="0">

    ts file.

    AutoComplete ref trigger handleDropdownClick() as if user clicked on dropdown and as argument add self.

     triggerOverlayPanel(ac: AutoComplete){
      // condition added to check if no chars need to display result 
      if(ac.minLength === 0) {