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How to change the UItabbar icon image?

I am working on an app and want to customize the UItabbar icon image.

I have an image with name about.png this image i want to set as left icon image of my app's UItabbar. how can i do this?


  • k you use this code and used your own images not the built in one's used your images...

    - (id)init {
    UIImage* anImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"newspaper.png"];
    UITabBarItem* theItem = [[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"News" image:anImage tag:0];
    self.tabBarItem = theItem;
    [theItem release];
    return self;  }

    newspaper.png is my own image in the tab bar...

    k fine now this will be sufficient for your problem...