I have the following dataframe in pandas:
test = pd.DataFrame({'Food': ['Apple Cake Apple', 'Orange Tomato Cake', 'Broccoli Apple Orange', 'Cake Orange Cake', 'Tomato Apple Orange'], 'Type' : ['Fruit Dessert', 'Fruit Veggie', 'Veggie Fruit', 'Dessert Fruit', 'Veggie Fruit']})
Food Type
0 Apple Cake Apple Fruit Dessert Fruit
1 Orange Tomato Fruit Veggie Dessert
2 Broccoli Apple Orange Veggie Fruit Fruit
3 Cake Orange Cake Dessert Fruit Dessert
4 Tomato Apple Orange Veggie Fruit Fruit
I would like to make a new column that counts the values in the "Type" column and orders them in greatest to least regardless of the type of food. For example, this would be exactly what I'm looking for:
test = pd.DataFrame({'Food': ['Apple Cake Apple', 'Orange Tomato Cake', 'Broccoli Apple Orange', 'Cake Orange Cake', 'Tomato Apple Orange'],
'Type' : ['Fruit Dessert Fruit', 'Fruit Veggie Dessert', 'Veggie Fruit Fruit', 'Dessert Fruit Dessert', 'Veggie Fruit Fruit'],
'Count': ['2 1', '1 1 1 ', '2 1', '2 1', '2 1']})
Food Type Count
0 Apple Cake Apple Fruit Dessert Fruit 2 1
1 Orange Tomato Cake Fruit Veggie Dessert 1 1 1
2 Broccoli Apple Orange Veggie Fruit Fruit 2 1
3 Cake Orange Cake Dessert Fruit Dessert 2 1
4 Tomato Apple Orange Veggie Fruit Fruit 2 1
How would I go about doing this? Thanks so much!
s=s.groupby([s.index,s]).size().sort_values(ascending=False).groupby(level=0).agg(lambda x : ' '.join(x.astype(str)))
0 2 1
1 1 1 1
2 2 1
3 2 1
4 2 1
Name: Type, dtype: object