I'm experimenting with the fastest way to format a float as a string with as minimal representation as possible (no trailing 0's, no decimal places if it can be helped, no scientific notation). I've decided to try Python's ctypes
Based on several examples I thought this function would work, but instead it always prints b'0.000000'
if using %f
or b'5.25124e-315'
if using %g
from ctypes import *
import msvcrt
def floatToStr3(n:float)->str:
libc = cdll.msvcrt
print("n in:", n)
sb = create_string_buffer(100)
libc.sprintf(sb, b"%g", c_float(n))
print("sb out:", sb.value)
return sb.value
import random
n in: 0.9164215022054657
sb out: b'5.25662e-315'
n in: 0.6366531536720886
sb out: b'5.23343e-315'
n in: 0.07371310207853521
sb out: b'5.1052e-315'
n in: 0.6353450576077702
sb out: b'5.23332e-315'
n in: 0.2839487624658935
sb out: b'5.18628e-315'
n in: 0.5540225836869241
sb out: b'5.22658e-315'
I have a strong feeling I'm just not using create_string_buffer correctly, but I don't know what the answer is. Formatting using ints works.
Using Python 3.7.4 on Windows 10.
Listing [Python.Docs]: ctypes - A foreign function library for Python
Check [SO]: C function called from Python via ctypes returns incorrect value (@CristiFati's answer) when working with CTypes functions
[Python.Docs]: Built-in Types - Numeric Types - int, float, complex states (emphasis is mine):
Floating point numbers are usually implemented using
in C
By casting the number to ctypes.c_float, it loses precision (as typically float is 4 bytes long, while double is 8), yielding values very close to 0, and hence the output (also intuited by @frost-nzcr4)
Calling sprintf directly, is definitely faster than calling any other Python conversion function. But let's not forget that Python has many optimizations, so even if the function call by itself is faster, the overhead needed for that call to be possible (Python <=>C conversions), could be higher and in some cases the overall performance worse than using a Python solution
If we talk about speed, placing sb = create_string_buffer(100)
(and others) inside the function is not very smart. Do it outside (once, at the beginning) and only make use of it in the function
Below it's an example.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import ctypes as cts
import random
import sys
import timeit
c_float = cts.c_float
c_double = cts.c_double
cdll = cts.cdll
create_string_buffer = cts.create_string_buffer
swprintf = cts.windll.msvcrt.swprintf
swprintf.argtypes = (cts.c_wchar_p, cts.c_wchar_p, cts.c_double) # !!! swprintf (and all the family functions) have varargs !!!
swprintf.restype = cts.c_int
buf = cts.create_unicode_buffer(100)
def original(f: float) -> str:
libc_ = cdll.msvcrt
#print("n in:", f)
sb = create_string_buffer(100)
libc_.sprintf(sb, b"%g", c_double(f))
#print("sb out:", sb.value)
return sb.value.decode()
def improved(f: float) -> str:
swprintf(buf, "%g", f)
return buf.value
def percent(f: float) -> str:
return "%g" % f
def format_(f: float) -> str:
return "{0:g}".format(f)
def f_string_default(f: float) -> str:
return f"{f}"
def f_string_g(f: float) -> str:
return f"{f:g}"
number_count = 3
numbers = [random.random() for _ in range(number_count)]
number = numbers[0]
def main(*argv):
funcs = (
print("Functional tests")
for f in numbers:
print("\nNumber (default format): {0:}".format(f))
for func in funcs:
print(" {0:s}: {1:}".format(func.__name__, func(f)))
print("\nPerformance tests (time took by each function)")
for func in funcs:
t = timeit.timeit(stmt="func(number)", setup="from __main__ import number, {0:s} as func".format(func.__name__))
print(" {0:s}: {1:}".format(func.__name__, t))
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Python {:s} {:03d}bit on {:s}\n".format(" ".join(elem.strip() for elem in sys.version.split("\n")),
64 if sys.maxsize > 0x100000000 else 32, sys.platform))
rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])
[cfati@CFATI-5510-0:e:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q061231308]> "e:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py_pc064_03.07_test0\Scripts\python.exe" code00.py Python 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:58:18) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] 064bit on win32 Functional tests Number (default format): 0.09201480511926563 original: 0.0920148 improved: 0.0920148 percent: 0.0920148 format_: 0.0920148 f_string_default: 0.09201480511926563 f_string_g: 0.0920148 Number (default format): 0.3778731171686579 original: 0.377873 improved: 0.377873 percent: 0.377873 format_: 0.377873 f_string_default: 0.3778731171686579 f_string_g: 0.377873 Number (default format): 0.8507691869686248 original: 0.850769 improved: 0.850769 percent: 0.850769 format_: 0.850769 f_string_default: 0.8507691869686248 f_string_g: 0.850769 Performance tests (time took by each function) original: 1.7038035999999999 improved: 1.4332302 percent: 0.25398619999999994 format_: 0.37500920000000004 f_string_default: 0.9683423999999996 f_string_g: 0.33258160000000014 Done.
As seen, builtin Python alternatives perform way better than CTypes ones. What I find curious (wondering if I didn't do something wrong), is that the f-string variant is much lower (performance-wise) than what I expected it to be (just when using default specifier - things are "a bit" different when using :g - thanks @pankaj for the tip!).
It might be interesting reading [Python]: Python Patterns - An Optimization Anecdote.