I currently have a chiclet on a viewcontroller that when pressed its supposed to navigate to a viewcontroller that is located in the tab bar. The viewcontrollers in the tab bar are all custom view controllers. When the chiclet is tapped I want to to navigate to a specific tab bar's selectedIndex but change a property value on that specific tab bar's viewcontroller before the switch. For example:
case .currentMap:
let selectedIndex = mainTabController.selectedIndex
let selectedController = mainTabController.selectedViewController
if selectedController == MapViewController {// error Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'UIViewController?' and 'MapViewController.Type'
selectedController.isMapSelected = true// Value of type 'UIViewController?' has no member 'isMapSelected'
Any idea on how to do this property so that after clicking on chiclet the tab bar still appears at the bottom?
if let selectedController = mainTabController.selectedViewController as? MapViewController {
selectedController.isMapSelected = true
This will grab the selected view controller, attempt to cast it as MapViewController
, and if succesful then you can access the property.