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How to pass the "lock" in my concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor in Python?

I am running a parallel test with Python 3.7 and Appium 1.15.1 on real Android smartphones.

I use concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor to run each test on each smartphone.

I am passing list of the uid of smartphones to my map function. By this way, my method 'run_smartphone()'(which start the test) get the uid of smartphone and identify on which smartphone it must run the test.

My script work fine without any issue. But I would like to add a "lock" because 'run_smartphone()' make some I/O on a sqlite3 database. So correct me if I am wrong, but it would be a good practice to "lock" the I/O operation on this sqlite3 database?

Here is my original code which works:

def run_smartphone(p_udid):
    #do the stuff

list_smartphones_connected = [41492968379078, 53519716736397]
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
        multiprocesses =, list_smartphones_connected)

    except ValueError:
        print(("Error multiprocesses"))

So I tried to add pass "lock" to my method 'run_smartphone()'. This is what I wrote:

m = multiprocessing.Manager()
lock = m.Lock()
list_arguments_smartphones = []

list_smartphones_connected = [41492968379078, 53519716736397]
for smartphone_connected in list_smartphones_connected:        
    list_arguments_smartphones.append([smartphone_connected, lock])

with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
        multiprocesses =, list_arguments_smartphones)

    except ValueError:
        print(("Error multiprocesses"))

But it doesn't work and I don't get any exception raised. Pycharm stop the script :

Process finished with exit code 0

I have no idea what is stopping the script.

So I started to investigate by executing the script for 1 smartphone with this line:

 multiprocesses =, [41492968379078,lock])

it gives the same result => The script stop, no automation start and I don't see any exception raised (Process finished with exit code 0).

As I wanted to know where exactly was the issue, I run the script with 'trace'.

py -m trace --trace

But I don't understand anything, I don't see any error... You can see the output of this 'trace' command on a text file I uploaded on GitHub:

Does anyone have any idea how can I pass the "lock" to my concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() ? And is it a good idea to do that?



  • May this help you...

        m = multiprocessing.Manager()
        lock = m.Lock()
        def run_smartphone(p_udid, lock): 
            # further code
        list_smartphones_connected = [41492968379078, 53519716736397] 
        with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: 
                multiprocesses =, list_smartphones_connected, [lock]*len(list_smartphones_connected)) 
                for function_return_value in multiprocesses:
            except ValueError: 
                print(("Error multiprocesses"))