I'm writing a program in Haskell, and it involves a lot of parentheses. So to clear up that ugly mess, I use the $
operator a couple of times to make it easier to read. For example:
longFunc arg1 (anotherFunc (yetAnotherFunc arg2))
is replaced by
longFunc arg1 $ anotherFunc $ yetAnotherFunc arg2
But when I compile my program using GHCi I get a message saying:
MyFile.hs:18:18: error:
parse error on input ‘$’
Perhaps you intended to use TemplateHaskell
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Here's lines 16-18:
isDigit :: Char -> Bool
isDigit c =
c `elem` $ ['0'..'9'] ++ "."
I was confused because I have used the $
operator several times (with the same compiler) like this:
main = putStrLn $ show 42
So I typed that code into my file as a test, deleted the other $
occurrences, and loaded it up.
And it worked!
Can someone please tell me what's going on?
You can't use ($)
immediately after another infix operator. Line 18:
c `elem` $ ['0'..'9'] ++ "."
needs to be rewritten as one of the following options:
Keep the parentheses as original:
c `elem` (['0'..'9'] ++ "."])
Apply ($)
to a slice of elem
(c `elem`) $ ['0'..'9'] ++ "."
Convert the call to elem
to a prefix call:
elem c $ ['0'..'9'] ++ "."
I recommend option 3. Consecutive infix operators (in this case `elem`
and $
) do not have a well-defined priority and confuse the parser. The general rule of thumb is that an infix operator must always have a complete expression on each side. c `elem`
is not a complete expression, so it is not allowed on the left of $
. Similarly, $ ['0'..'9'] ++ "."
is not a complete expression, so it is not allowed to be the right side of `elem`