I'm scraping data for historical Dog race results for a Uni project. How can i add a Column to the table with the elements from a different table? Specifically the table before it consisting of columns 3 and 4
so add the that information to create a 13th and 14th columns on the table below and populate ever row with that information.
Here is the code i Have.
web<- read_html('https://www.thegreyhoundrecorder.com.au/results/bendigo/61001')
tables<- html_nodes(web, 'table')
tab1<- html_table(tables, fill = TRUE)
We can remove first the list elements which have 1 row and 2 columns.
We do this using Filter
remain_tab <- Filter(function(x) !(nrow(x) == 1 & ncol(x) == 2), tab1)
#Probably it is simpler to just remove 1st 12 elements if you know
#they are the problem and don't want to include in the final dataset.
#remain_tab <- tab1[-c(1:12)]
and then using Map
we change alternate data.
remain_tab[c(FALSE, TRUE)] <- Map(function(x, y)
{y[paste0('X', c(13, 14))] <- x[c(3, 4)];y},
remain_tab[c(TRUE, FALSE)], remain_tab[c(FALSE, TRUE)])