I'm developing a script for creating a navigation in SharePoint with PnP. For this purpose I created a CSV with my URLS and some addional informations.
My CSV looks like this:
Tool Wiki,Tools,2,http://linkless.header/,Existing,3
Tool Box,Tools,2,http://linkless.header/,add,2
Tool Development,Tools,2,https://linkless.header/,Remove,1
I import the CSV with following command
$CSV_Navigation = Import-Csv $CURRENT_DIRECTORY\UrlsNavigation.csv
Then I want to make a few changes and export it again.
function setStatusInCSV {
ForEach($Item in $CSV_Navigation) {
If ($Item.Status -eq $STATUS_ADD) {
Export-Csv $CSV_Navigation -Path $CURRENT_DIRECTORY\UrlsNavigation.csv -NoTypeInformation
For this I get the following Error
Export-Csv : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.Char' required by parameter 'Delimiter'. Specified method is not supported.
At Path\Navigation\UpdateNavigation.ps1:95 char:16
+ Export-Csv $CSV_Navigation -Path $CURRENT_DIRECTORY\UrlsNavigatio ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Export-Csv], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ExportCsvCommand
If I run the command with a delimiter it looks like this:
Export-Csv : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'System.Object[]'.
At Path\Navigation\UpdateNavigation.ps1:95 char:5
+ Export-Csv $CSV_Navigation -Path $CURRENT_DIRECTORY\UrlsNavigatio ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Export-Csv], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ExportCsvCommand
My $CSV_Navigation looks like this
Write-Host $CSV_Navigation
@{Name=Tools; ParentName=Consulting; Level=1; URL=http://linkless.header/; Status=Ex
isting; Order=3} @{Name=Tool Wiki; ParentName=Tools; Level=2; URL=http://linkless.header/; Status=Existing; Order=3} @{Name=Tool Box; ParentName=Tools; Level=2; URL=http://linkless.header/; Status=Existing; Order=2} @{Name=Tool Development; ParentName=Tools; Leve
l=2; URL=https://linkless.header/; Status=Remove; Order=1}
I think the problem here is the positional parameter of this command.
you need to define what your input objetc is. Like this:
Export-Csv -InputObject $CSV_Navigation -Path $CURRENT_DIRECTORY\UrlsNavigation.csv -NoTypeInformation
Edit: You need to use Select-Object -Property YourPropeerties
to get the right output or pipe your array to the command:
$CSV_Navigation | Export-Csv -Path $CURRENT_DIRECTORY\UrlsNavigation.csv -NoTypeInformation