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Cannot set coldStartStrategy to pyspark.mllib.recommendation.ALS model

I'm using pyspark (spark 2.4.4) I'm trying to use coldStartStrategy option for the ALS recommendation model but this doesn't work for me. I tried this (from the 2.4.0 documentation:

from pyspark.mllib.recommendation import ALS
als = ALS(maxIter=5, regParam=0.01,coldStartStrategy="drop")

This is the error that I have:

TypeError: object() takes no parameters

I tried also to create an empty object the use the setter like this:

als = ALS()

This is the error that I have:

AttributeError: 'ALS' object has no attribute 'setColdStartStrategy'

The ALS construtor don't take any param, the ALS class has only three methods: mor, train and trainImplicit and no one take the coldStartStrategy parameter. Even the instance of the ALS Class, I navigate into all her methods and also no one takes this parameter. I navigate also into the 2.2.0 spark documentation ( also the same problem.

I tried also to train the model and after that set the coldStartStrategy parameter for the test phase

model = ALS.train(rdd_train, rank, numIterations)

but also I can't fount the setParams method like mentioned here:


  • The problem was caused by the importation, it seems that the ALS model imported from pyspark.mllib differs from the ALS imported from and by changing the importation I fix this error. Conclusion: I just change from :

    from pyspark.mllib.recommendation import ALS


     from import ALS