I'm writing a JIT compiler using haskell, LLVM-hs and OrcJIT. Here's my main file which compiles modules, adds them to the JIT and fetches and runs the internal main functions:
main :: IO ()
main =
withContext $ \ctx ->
withExecutionSession $ \es ->
withHostTargetMachine Reloc.PIC CodeModel.Default CodeGenOpt.None $ \tm ->
withSymbolResolver es myResolver $ \psr ->
withObjectLinkingLayer es (\_ -> return psr) $ \oll ->
withIRCompileLayer oll tm $ \ircl -> do
loadLibraryPermanently Nothing
repl ctx es tm ircl
myResolver :: SymbolResolver
myResolver = SymbolResolver $ \mangled -> do
ptr <- getSymbolAddressInProcess mangled
return $ Right $ JITSymbol
{ jitSymbolAddress = ptr
, jitSymbolFlags = defaultJITSymbolFlags { jitSymbolExported = True }
repl :: Context -> ExecutionSession -> TargetMachine -> IRCompileLayer ObjectLinkingLayer -> IO ()
repl ctx es tm cl = runInputT defaultSettings (loop C.initCmpState)
loop :: C.CmpState -> InputT IO ()
loop state =
getInputLine "% " >>= \minput -> case minput of
Nothing -> return ()
Just "q" -> return ()
Just input -> liftIO (process state input) >>= loop
process :: C.CmpState -> String -> IO C.CmpState
process state source =
case L.alexScanner source of
Left errStr -> putStrLn errStr >> return state
Right tokens -> case (P.parseTokens tokens) 0 of
P.ParseOk ast ->
let (res, state') = C.codeGen state (head ast) in
case res of
Left err -> putStrLn (show err) >> return state
Right () -> runDefinition (state' { C.externs = C.externs state }) >> return state'
{ C.globals = Map.empty
, C.instructions = []
runDefinition :: C.CmpState -> IO ()
runDefinition state = do
let globals = Map.elems (C.globals state)
let externs = Map.elems (C.externs state)
let instructions = reverse (C.instructions state)
let mainName = mkBSS "main.0"
let mainFn = GlobalDefinition $ functionDefaults
{ returnType = void
, name = Name mainName
, basicBlocks = [BasicBlock (mkName "entry") instructions (Do $ Ret Nothing [])]
case instructions of
[] -> do
let astmod = defaultModule
{ moduleDefinitions = externs ++ globals
M.withModuleFromAST ctx astmod $ \mod -> do
BS.putStrLn =<< M.moduleLLVMAssembly mod
withModuleKey es $ \modKey ->
addModule cl modKey mod
x -> do
let astmod = defaultModule
{ moduleDefinitions = externs ++ globals ++ [mainFn]
M.withModuleFromAST ctx astmod $ \mod -> do
BS.putStrLn =<< M.moduleLLVMAssembly mod
withModuleKey es $ \modKey ->
withModule cl modKey mod $ do
res <- (\mangled -> findSymbol cl mangled False) =<< mangleSymbol cl mainName
case res of
Left _ -> putStrLn ("Couldn't find: " ++ show mainName)
Right (JITSymbol fn _)-> do
run $ castPtrToFunPtr (wordPtrToPtr fn)
Isolated modules such as this print statement run correctly. Modules with a main function are removed from the JIT after being executed:
; ModuleID = '<string>'
source_filename = "<string>"
@0 = constant [4 x i8] c"%d\0A\00"
declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...)
define void @main.0() {
%0 = call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @0, i32 0, i32 0), i32 234)
ret void
Assigning 4 to the symbol 'x' results in a module with a global variable, this module isn't deleted from the JIT:
x := 4;
; ModuleID = '<string>'
source_filename = "<string>"
@x = global i32 4
But attempting to print 'x' in the next statement results in a lookup failure for the main function:
; ModuleID = '<string>'
source_filename = "<string>"
@x = external global i32
@0 = constant [4 x i8] c"%d\0A\00"
declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...)
define void @main.0() {
%0 = load i32, i32* @x
%1 = call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @0, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %0)
ret void
Couldn't find: "main.0"
It appears there's a problem accessing symbols across modules.
Things I've tried:
I'd be extremely grateful for any help!
Solved! I was confused by the symbol resolver. It isn't used to retrieve symbols when using 'findSymbol' but in the compiling and linking stage of the JIT. 'getSymbolAddressInProcess' will search only for symbols within the host process (such as printf), not symbols defined within the JIT (such as x).
In order to use a module in the JIT which retrieves an external symbol 'x' from another module and 'printf' from the host process, a symbol resolver must be added which searches both the JIT compile layer and the host process for symbols:
myResolver :: IRCompileLayer ObjectLinkingLayer -> SymbolResolver
myResolver ircl = SymbolResolver $ \mangled -> do
symbol <- findSymbol ircl mangled False
case symbol of
Right _ -> return symbol
Left _ -> do
ptr <- getSymbolAddressInProcess mangled
return $ Right $ JITSymbol
{ jitSymbolAddress = ptr
, jitSymbolFlags = defaultJITSymbolFlags { jitSymbolExported = True }