Every time I reload the page in IE 11 or hotreload is triggered after saving changes in code, IE prompts me with pop up stay/leave on this site. Chrome and Firefox work fine.
This started to happen from one day to another day. I don't know what I have changed that caused this bug. Any clue what could be the problem ?
I have a ReactJS web application with redux and router.
Edit: FIX - looked for 'unload' in code and found
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', ev => {
I deleted preventDefault() and now it works fine. At first i was looking exactly for 'onbeforeunload' so that's why I could find anything.
SOLUTION - FIX - At first, I was looking exactly for 'onbeforeunload' so that's why I could find anything. Then I looked for 'unload' in code and found
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', ev => {
I deleted preventDefault() and now it works fine.